The next opportunity to join a trial class is February 8th. Send an enquiry.

In compliance with the revised Flexibility and Weighing guidelines by British Gymnastics, also RG1 Rhythmic Gymnastics' Safeguarding Policy has been updated on the Mission page.

14/12/2024 at 4pm
Xmas Performance is approaching…
Gymnast’s entire family £5 (parents, sisters & brothers all included). Friends, other relatives, general public £5/person. Please see fundraiser post 24/10.

22/11/2024 Club Welfare Officer Angela Rigby attended The National Welfare Conference 2024 in London #BeTheChange

24/10/2024 Support RG1 Rhythmic Gymnastic's fundraiser to elevate the training with carpets

05/10/2024 A brief video demonstrating the training

30/09/2024 Health & Safety and Safeguarding Policies Updated on the Mission page.

25/09/2024 RG1 Rhythmic Gymnastics club's Welfare Officer Angela Rigby will pay a visit on Saturday 5/10/2024. Some of the WO's tasks:
∞ Support a positive child centred environment
∞ Assist the club in safeguarding children
∞ Act as the first point of contact for concerns
∞ Link to the lead safeguarding officer
∞ Lead on the implementation of safeguarding procedures
∞ Maintain key safeguarding contact details
∞ Promote the safeguarding guidance and code of conduct
Angela is your contact with raising any Safeguarding concerns.

07/09/2024 Autumn Term 1 started!
A short video on the class 

12/08/2024 SUMMER BREAK
The Rhytmic Gymnastics classes will resume on the September 7th.
Enquiries about trials and new member registration welcome Contact 
(There will be NO classes Sat 17th - Sat 31st of August.) 

13/07/2024 3 day MINI CAMP 
Chance to sample and trial intensively over three days, either all 6h or selected days.

13/07/2024 TRIAL for 3 - 5 yrs old
45min class for the starting gymnast buds on Saturday of the MINI CAMP.